How do I install the TOTO Neorest NX1 and Neorest NX2 bidet toilet?
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Want to install learn how to install a TOTO Neorest NX1 or a Neorest NX2 bidet toilet? Daniel Johnson, your bidet expert and owner of Many Bidets, takes you through the installation in a clear step-by-step method.
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How do I install the TOTO Neorest NX1 and Neorest NX2 bidet toilet? Transcript:
Today, we are going to install the best Integrated Bidet toilet money could possibly buy. We’re installing the Toto Neorest NX2. Now, this same installation process will work for the Toto Neorest NX1, as well and we’re going to walk through all the steps. Now, my name is Daniel Johnson, I’m your Bidet expert and I’m the owner of, where over the past eight years, we’ve sold over ten thousand bidets.
If you’re interested in buying one of these particular units, or any of the units that Toto, or a variety of other brands carry, reach out to us. We’re happy to offer special pricing and get you a great deal on your new Bidet toilet, or Bidet seat.
These bolts come with your flange, so you should already have them. Toto does not supply them. We’re using a “Better than wax” seal, but you can also use a wax ring, or a silicone seal, depending on your preference. Toto says silicone in the manual. We’re going to need a manual screwdriver, a drill with a drill bit and a screwdriver bit, a wrench and a little bit of plumber’s tape, everything else comes with the unit. The first thing we have to do when installing the Toto Neorest NX1, or NX2 is determine where the mounting brackets need to be installed. To do that, we’re going to use a template. This is the template that Toto provides, with their unit, you would just want to get it centered. There is wording back here, “back wall side”. Make sure that when you’re putting it on the back wall, the side indicator is pointing towards the wall, not towards the main bathroom and then line it up. You’ll have a little perforated piece that you’ll need to rip out, but then line it up, so that the flange is basically in the middle of that template. Once you’ve got it lined up as best as possible, take a little tape to hold it in place. We’re using painters tape, because it’s easy to take off and all we really need is a little something to help hold it in place. It’s not something that we’re going to need any real strong adhesive on, so there we go. Now that we have the mounting plate in place, we can see that there are screw holes here, here, here and here. We’re going to go ahead and screw those out real quick. With those screwed out, now, we can go ahead and take the template off. Now, we’re going to go ahead and install the flange adapter. Remember, these bolts come with the flange, so that’s not included. We’re going to slide it over, we want to make sure that this manual flush cable is pointing backwards, otherwise we know we have this flange adapter on backwards. Also, these little bolt impressions are not used, so don’t let that throw you for a loop. If you’re using a silicone sealant, you want to make sure that you’re connecting that sealant to the bottom side of the flange adapter. If the flange is metal. If the flange is plastic, you want to connect the sealant to the flange adapter, to the flange itself and then put the flange adapter over top. Once we’ve put the flange adapter on, we’re going to go ahead and put our washers on and then tighten this down. We want it snug, but we don’t need to over tighten it. Now, our flange adapter is installed. Next, we’re going to install the water inlet. We’re going to need a ½” female, to connect this to, coming out of the wall, or in the wall. We want to make sure that we leave this foam on here, because that’s a grip for the cover that comes on in a minute. Then, we just slide this cover on, before we put any plumber’s tape on. We’re going to put this plumber’s tape on this thread and then we’re going to screw it into the wall. Now, we’re going to install the mounting brackets and this is what the toilet slides into. We know where these need to go, because we drilled the holes a moment earlier, using that template. We’re going to go ahead and put them in place, make sure that the holes are lined up with the holes that we drilled, do the same thing over here and now we’re just going to screw these into the floor. If you’re dealing with tile, Toto does provide some plastic sleeves, kind of molly-like sleeves, to help with that.
Next, we’re going to use Toto’s second template, to determine where the toilet bowl needs to go. Basically, you can see this dotted line; It shows where the outer edge of the toilet base lands and by lining it up it, allows us to get really close to this rubber gasket, where the porcelain pipe fits without having to worry about exactly where that gasket is. You’ll also notice that there’s this pet plastic sleeve that fits right in here. This is designed to slide the bowl across, so that we don’t damage the floor, or the bowl as we’re installing it and getting it lined up perfectly. We’re going to go ahead and put that in place and now we’re going to go ahead and tape this down, so it doesn’t slide as we’re sliding the bowl. Now, once we install the bowl, the bowl is going to be sitting here, so we want to make sure that wherever we’re taping, we’re not taping under where the bowl will sit. Simply because, when we try to pull this out later, any tape in these areas here will prevent us from pulling that template out. Now, Toto recommends when you’re installing the NX1, or the NX2, to use two people to lift it and put it into place. I can attest to the fact that that is a great idea. Any of the other Neorests that I’ve installed, I’ve installed as a one-man lift. Technically, Toto recommends two for those as well, but for the NX1 and the NX2, I definitely recommend two people. This is very hard to do all by yourself. As you can see, getting it in position takes a little bit of work, but having this plastic here to slide it across helps. If you look at the dotted line, you can see that this worked perfectly. Showing us exactly where to place the toilet, so that we didn’t have to mess around with it. You can also tell that once it snapped into place, it was really easy to see that it snapped into place, because now the toilet sits flush against the floor, where previously the back was up, because that porcelain pipe was resting on a part of the flange adapter, instead of inside the rubber hole, where it was supposed to fit. The next step we need to take is to take this mounting template off, so that we can continue with the installation. Now, in order to slide this template out, I need to lift up on the front. I need to lift the lid and the seat, but I lift them separately, because otherwise they’ll catch on one another. Now, I can just grab the rim here, give it a slight lift and slide the template out.
Now that we’ve got the toilet where we want it, we need to attach the toilet to the floor, using those mounting brackets we installed a little earlier in the video. You can see that the screws that are used for this have a huge hole in the middle. That is what allows these plastic covers to go and actually adhere to the screw. What I like to do is, I like to start this screw with an electric screwdriver; basically for time saving reasons, but then once the process is started, I finish it off with a manual screwdriver. Whenever you’re putting a screw through porcelain, you want to be careful that you’re not going to break anything. Doing it with a manual screwdriver and near the end there, just gives you that finesse that keeps you from breaking anything. Now, that we’ve got the screw in, we can put this little nub in. It does have an arrow to show you what sides up. If you look at this nub from the side, you can see that it’s angled to match the contour of the bowl. Putting it in right side up, allows you to make sure that it’s got the sleekest look possible. Time to do the other side.
Now, we’re going to go ahead and put the lid and the seat down. In the back, we’re going to set up the manual flush. That is done by using this manual flush cable. What we’re going to do is, we’re going to feed this cable through the plastic pipe that we see here and as we feed it through, it’s going to work its way up into the main housing of the toilet. It takes a little finesse to get it there. It’s important to note, that if you pull this cable up too much, it’s going to make it tricky to do this next step. If you do that, instead of trying to push the cable down from up above, reach back down here in the back and pull it down from the back, here and that’s going to be much simpler. Our next step is going to take this plate and install it, like so. We feed the cable for the manual flush through one of those slots and then the pull string through the other slot. Once they’re both in, we tighten it down with a manual screwdriver. Now that that’s been tightened down, we take the ball at the top of that manual flush and we feed it through this plastic pull string. There we go. Now, it’s fed through and if we pull up on this, we can hear that manual flush kicking in. Now, we just feed that right back here. Now that we’ve got the manual flush installed, let’s talk about this little black box. It’s a battery pack. You basically stick two batteries into this box and you store it away somewhere. You’re not going to see this battery pack shown in the installation manual, because you don’t actually utilize it, or install it when you install your unit. If you lose power, make sure there are batteries in here. You take the plug and you plug it in back here, so without power to the unit, the flush still has power to work with, because of this battery pack. Then, all you have to do is pull up here, the flush kicks in. Once you’re done with the flush, you unplug this and you put the cover back on the back.
We’ve done everything that we need to do, except for connecting the water and the electricity. We’re going to go ahead and take this water hose; now, make sure that you have the blue gasket in that water hose, before connecting it. Then simply connect it to your water inlet. Once you get it hand-tight, tighten it down a little bit further with a wrench, but just ever so much to make it snug. Now, it’s time to check for leaks. We’ve turned the water supply on for the house. Now, we need to turn the water supply on, here and that’s simply done with a flat tip screwdriver. Now, this might look a little bit ugly and that’s where the cover comes in. This cover grips this foam, allowing it to be held in place, as simple as that. The last thing we need to do is, connect this unit to electricity. When I plug this unit in, I’m going to hear the nozzle come in and out. As it starts to run through, the self-cleaning process starts to run water through the unit, so a few sounds are going to be something that you should expect. That’s the nozzle coming out and as water works its way through the unit, you’re going to start hearing pre-misting start, as well. You can tell if the pre-misting has worked its way through the system, because you see water start to mist around the bowl. You might hear a few gurglings like we heard a moment ago, as air works its way out of the system, because remember, this is the first time we’ve put water through this particular unit.
Now, all we have left to do is install the remote. One thing to note is that when you’re installing the remote holder on the wall, you also have this handy dandy cheat sheet. Make sure you don’t throw this out. This frequently gets thrown out by mistake. You just line up the holes and then when you install this on the wall, it’s a guide. The remote is sleek and classy, no words on the remote, but now, you have a cheat sheet behind the remote, telling you what each of the buttons does. Don’t throw that out, it goes on with the wall hanger and then the remote just sits on top.
Now that we’ve got everything set up, let’s take a couple of batteries, they do come with the remote and put them into the remote, so that we can do a test. Testing it makes sure we have everything where it needs to be. We’ve got the remote batteries in. Now, most of the Toto units use a pressure sensor on the back, just to indicate if someone’s seated. This unit uses an infrared sensor to pick up on whether, or not someone’s seated. I just need to activate that by using my hand, or damp cloth. I’m going to take this little seat sensor indicator off and I’m going to put my hand on it. Now, if i press a wash button, it should start. Let’s see what we get. Missed it a little bit, there. Now, if I take my hand off the seat sensor, it picks up that no one is seated and it stops the wash. Here’s where the seat sensor is located, to let you know someone’s seated. We now know that the functions work for a full walk through and here goes the flush. A frequent question we get is, “How loud is the flush on one of these units?”. It’s got a pump, so a lot of people think it’s very loud, because a public bathroom’s flush is really loud. You can tell that it was not very loud. It is a pretty quiet flush, despite the fact that it’s got a pump assisted flush.
Now, if you want to know about all the features that the remote offers, check out our Neorest Remote playlist, a link is in the video description. Also, keep in mind that if you have any questions about the installation of the Toto Neorest NX line that we didn’t address, you can always ask those questions in the YouTube comments and that’s going to be the quickest way to get our answer, ASAP. If you would prefer a more personal touch, you can always email, call, live chat, or text us. Feel free to reach out if you’re looking for any special pricing on any of these units. We carry the entire Toto line and a variety of other brands. Thank you so much for watching and have a fantastic day. where we sell many bidets, not mini bidets.
00:00 Introduction
00:34 Toto NX2 Installation Overview
00:51 Step #1 Installing Mounting Hardware
04:53 Step #2 Placing the Toilet
08:03 Step #3 Secure the Toilet
09:34 Step #4 Connecting the Manual Flush
12:28 Step #5 Connecting the Water and Power
14:24 Installing the Remote
15:03 Step #6 Test Your NX2
16:42 Closing Statement
17:24 Cutest Final Statement Ever!
Dan Johnson
Daniel Johnson is the owner and founder of Many Bidets. After experiencing the health benefits for himself, Dan launched Many Bidets with the goal of helping everyone enhance their hygiene and well-being with the perfect bidet. More than 20,000 bidets later, he remains dedicated to providing unmatched customer education and support. A certified Aging in Place specialist, Dan is passionate about helping caregivers and their loved ones maintain dignity and independence in the bathroom. In addition to leading the team, Dan shares his in-depth bidet knowledge with the world as the face of the Many Bidets YouTube channel.