Hit the Road: How to Install the Eco NOVA in Your RV
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Heading out for a road trip in an RV means you get to bring most of the comforts of home along for the ride. But bidets have often been the exception, taking up too much space in the back to fit on an RV toilet or getting damaged by repeatedly turning the water on and off. In fact, many manufacturers say installing their bidets in an RV bathroom is a surefire way to void the warranty!
Fortunately, portable bidets are no longer the only option for getting clean on the road. We recently discovered that the customer-favorite Eco NOVA bidet seat pairs perfectly with many elongated RV toilets. And it’s even warrantied for RV use! Walk through installing the Eco NOVA on the Dometic 320 Gravity Flush RV toilet with your bidet expert, Dan Johnson.
Video Chapters:
00:00 – Introduction
01:04 – Before You Start
01:32 – Step 1: Turn off water
01:48 – Step 2: Disconnect hose and attach T connector
02:49 – Step 3: Install mounting plate
04:26 – Step 4: Connect seat
04:55 – Step 5: Connect hose
05:39 – Step 6: Plug in seat and set up remote
07:27 – Step 7: Test the seat
Before You Start
Unlike many bidet seats, the Eco NOVA installs seamlessly on the Dometic 320 without any modifications. However, because the water supply for an RV toilet differs from what you’ll find in your bathroom at home, the Eco NOVA’s standard T connector won’t work for this install. You’ll need to purchase a 1/2-inch 3-way T connector before you get started, but the Eco NOVA comes with everything else required to get you up and running.
Step 1: Turn Off the Water
As with any bidet seat install, start by turning off the water. Then, flush the toilet to drain the bowl.
Step 2: Disconnect the Hose and Attach the T Connector
Once the bowl is drained, you can safely disconnect the water supply hose. You’ll probably still have a bit of water remaining in the hose, so have a towel or rag on hand to wipe up any drips. Connect one end of the T connector to the toilet’s water inlet and the other end to the water supply hose. Be sure to use the alternate T connector we linked above. (Reach out to us with any questions!) Also, check that the rubber washers inside the T connector and the end of the water supply are in place to avoid any leaks.
Step 3: Remove the Existing Toilet Seat and Install the Mounting Plate
To get started installing the bidet seat, take off the current toilet seat and set it aside in case you need it in the future. Then, install the top-mounting sleeves by pushing them through the holes from the top or pulling them through from the bottom. If they don’t go in easily, we’ve found it helps to insert the screws into the sleeves and use them to push the sleeves through (removing the screws once the sleeves are in place).
Next, lay the washers on top of the sleeves and place the mounting plate and mounting brackets on top. Make sure that the ridges on the mounting brackets face up. The mounting plate should be centered on the toilet and as far forward as possible without the washers getting caught on the lip at the back of the plate. Once everything is properly placed, insert the screws and tighten them down to secure the mounting plate to the toilet.
Step 4: Connect the Seat
With the mounting plate firmly attached, press the quick-release button on the side of the seat and slide it into the plate. You’ll hear a click when it snaps into place and the button will pop back out. (To remove the seat, press the quick-release button and slide the seat out of the mounting plate.)
Step 5: Connect the Hose
To get water running to the Eco NOVA, connect the bidet hose to the middle valve on the T connector. Then, connect the clamp end of the hose to the seat’s water inlet. (Note: The video above features the current generation Eco NOVA seat with a clamp connection. The next generation Eco NOVA will have a traditional screw-on connection.) Snap the hose into the inlet and attach the clamp, finishing by fastening the clamp collar over the open end.
When everything is secure, turn the water back on and check all the connections for leaks.
Step 6: Plug In the Seat and Set Up the Remote
Now you’re ready for power! When you plug the seat into the outlet, you’ll hear some water trickling. Don’t be alarmed – this is just the Eco NOVA running its first nozzle cleaning as part of the boot-up process.
After the seat powers up, install the coin-style battery into the remote control. It’s easiest to use a flat-head screwdriver to remove the battery cover. Turn the cover counterclockwise to unlock it. After removing the cover, insert the battery with the smaller, bumpy side down, pushing it into the two shorter clips and then pressing it into the longer clip. Reinstall the battery cover and your remote is ready to control!
Notably, the Eco NOVA’s remote uses a radio frequency (RF) signal that’s perfect for RV bathrooms since it operates reliably even in the smallest spaces. The remote should already be paired to the seat out of the box, but if you run into any issues, re-pairing it is simple: Just hold the STOP button for five seconds (until the lights at the top of the remote blink red). Then, unplug the seat, wait a few seconds and plug it in again. The lights will turn red and hold, letting you know your remote has been successfully paired.
Step 7: Test the Seat
To test the seat, lift the lid and place your hand on the seat sensor. (The sensor needs skin contact for the seat to work – if you hear beeping, make sure you’re fully covering the sensor. You’ll know you’ve activated the sensor when you hear water dripping for the self-cleaning cycle.) Select a wash on the remote control (making sure to block the spray with your other hand or a container). If the wash runs, you’re ready to go!
Are You Ready for Your Next Road Trip?
Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to upgrade your on-the-go bathroom routine, you might be excited to get an Eco NOVA in your own RV! Get your hands on your own Eco NOVA now or connect with one of our bidet experts via live chat, phone (248-974-4030) or email ([email protected]) to make sure it’s the right fit for your RV setup.
Meghan Oliver
Meghan Oliver is a writer and content manager with Many Bidets. Her work has appeared in Nonprofit World magazine and on Psych Central, but she specializes in behind-the-scenes content for small businesses and nonprofit organizations. Meghan is passionate about conservation, creatures of all kinds and the Oxford comma. When she's not writing, she's probably at the barn, on a hiking trail, in her native garden bothering the pollinators(,) or curled up with a book and a cat.