Integrated Toilet and Bidet Seat Comparison: TOTO Neorest NX1 VS TOTO Neorest AH

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| Created July 31, 2020 | Updated September 9, 2024

NOTE: The TOTO Neorest AH has been discontinued. If you’re in search of the perfect replacement, tailored specifically to your needs and preferences, we’re here to assist! Contact us to discover your ideal bathroom solution with personalized guidance from our dedicated experts.

View These Units

TOTO Neorest NX1 Luxury Toilet & Bidet Seat

TOTO Neorest AH Integrated Toilet and WASHLET

The TOTO Neorest NX1 and the TOTO Neorest AH are each impressive integrated units, but there are a few key differences you’ll want to be aware of when deciding between the two.

TOTO Neorest NX1

TOTO Neorest AH

Look & Feel  toto-neorest-nx1-dual-flush-luxury-one-piece-toilet-and-bidet-ms900cumfg-01-57573.1518115488.jpg  toto-ah.png
Color Options  White White, Beige
Materials Porcelain Porcelain and plastic
Bowl  Rimless bowl  Traditional rimmed bowl
Flushing System  New and improved Tornado Flush System Standard Tornado Flush System
Price $8,265.75 Cotton White – $4,852.50Sedona Beige – $5,580.75

Look & Feel

TOTO takes style to a new level with the Neorest NX1, which features an elegant, rounded silhouette and equally chic wireless remote. The Neorest AH is a bit less sleek in its design but nevertheless has a timeless look that will blend well with any bathroom decor.

Quality of Build

TOTO toilets and bidets are know for their quality craftsmanship, and the Neorest NX1 and Neorest AH are no exception. However, these two units differ somewhat in the materials used to construct them. The Neorest NX1 is crafted almost entirely from porcelain, making it a top-tier unit when it comes to build quality. While the Neorest AH also has some porcelain components, it has a notably higher percentage of plastic parts than its counterpart.

Bowl & Seat

Many toilet bowls, including the bowl on the Neorest AH, have a lipped rim. Cleaning these types of units requires  the unpleasant task of reaching underneath the lip to wipe away accumulated residue. The designers of the Neorest NX1 did away with this inconvenience by creating a rimless bowl, meaning that the bowl is smooth from the top edge down. This improvement cuts back on the amount of accumulated grime while making cleaning easy. In addition, the NX1 features a redesigned seat that provides even greater support and stability than the AH’s seat.


Flushing System

TOTO’s traditional Tornado Flush System comes standard on most TOTO units, including the Neorest AH. However, the Neorest NX1 features TOTO’s new and improved Tornado Flush System, which changed the flow of the water in the bowl in order to create TOTO’s most powerful flush yet. This new design enables the flush to forcefully sweep through even the hardest-to-reach areas of the bowl, keeping the unit cleaner longer and cutting back on the need for repeat flushes.


The Neorest NX1 and the Neorest AH each have their benefits, so knowing which one is right for you will depend mainly on your list of “must-have” features. If you need a beige unit or are on a tight budget, the Neorest AH might be the better choice for you. If, however, you’re set on having the latest and greatest unit on the market, you’ll want to seriously consider the Neorest NX1 with its top of the line craftsmanship, upgraded seat design, rimless bowl, improved Tornado Flush System, and ultra-sleek look.

Additional Details 

Model Numbers

TOTO Neorest NX1 in Cotton White – MS900CUMFG#01: $8,265.75 (Request best price)

TOTO Neorest AH in Cotton White – S989CUMFG#01, $4,852.50 (Request best price)

TOTO Neorest AH in Sedona Beige – S989CUMFG#12, $5,580.75 (Request best price)

Hannah Ramsey

Hannah Ramsey is a former writer at Many Bidets, where she spent seven years crafting and managing website content. With a background in psychotherapy and a lifelong passion for writing, Hannah enjoyed combining these interests to make a meaningful impact. Now retired from the bidet business, Hannah still enjoys sharing her knowledge about bidets with friends and family, proving that once a bidet enthusiast, always a bidet enthusiast!