Why won’t my Neorest RH Bidet flush? – VIDEO

We often get questions on why a new Neorest RH is not flushing. This often a result of how the bidet was installed, specifically that the electronic portion of the seat is not hooked up to the electricity. Your bidet expert, and Many Bidets Owner, Daniel Johnson shows you how to properly make this connection.

TOTO Neorest RH

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Why won’t my Neorest RH Bidet flush? Transcript:

Why won’t my newly installed Toto Neorest RH flush?

I’m Daniel Johnson, your bidet expert and owner of manybidets.com, where we’ve sold over 10,000 bidets, in the last eight years.

This topic of a Toto Neorest RH that won’t flush, is a pretty common one we get questions about. Every time, it’s with a newly installed unit. As you might guess, the issue has to do with how the unit was installed. As you might not guess, the resolution is very simple.

The first thing, and I cannot stress this enough, the first thing you want to do is unplug your Toto Neorest RH. Once the unit is unplugged, you’ll want to connect the top portion, the bidet seat functionality, to the bowl portion, using the electrical wires, as you see here. Once these are connected again, you can plug the unit back in and you’ll be good to go. It is crucial that you unplug your unit and give it a minute, or two before plugging the seat into the bowl portion, or you could fry the internals of the seat, rendering a replacement necessary. Once you plug the two together and plug the unit back in, your flush will now work. The problem that you were originally running into, is the fact that the brains that tell the toilet bowl to flush, are located in the seat, but the seat didn’t have a way of getting that information to the bowl, until you connected the two together.

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ManyBidets.com where we sell many bidets, not mini bidets.

00:00 Introduction Question
00:06 Formal Introduction
00:23 Answer – Troubleshooting
00:45 Unplugging the Toto RH
1:57 Closing Statement

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