Comparing Old and New TOTO Bidet Remotes

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| Created August 27, 2024 | Updated August 28, 2024

A new generation of TOTO bidets means a new generation of remote controls! Daniel Johnson, Many Bidets founder and your bidet expert, gives you a hands-on comparison of the old and new TOTO remotes so you know what to expect when you order your new bidet.

Remotes for TOTO S7 and S7A Bidet Seats

The remote controls for TOTO’s high-end seats, the S7 and S7A, got a complete facelift from the previous generation. Unfortunately, it’s not a change for the better. The new remote lacks the premium feel of the old version, and it’s less intuitive to boot. The white plastic finish looks and feels cheap, and the remote is full of blank buttons – and even buttons that don’t work with the S7 and S7A. Plus, the buttons use icons with no labels or display to tell you what they do, so you’ll be left guessing or turning to the manual until you have the functions down pat.

This remote falls short of the previous generation in our opinion. The old version had a brushed metallic finish that matched the luxury features of the S7 and S7A. Every button had a purpose, and the screen on the back of the remote spelled out the functions so you knew exactly what function you were selecting.

The S7 and S7A are great seats, so if you’re looking for a luxurious cleanse, don’t count them out just because the remote isn’t perfect! We can help you use these models like a pro with our S7 and S7A remote walkthrough. But if the new remote is a dealbreaker for you, check out the Ultra NOVA. It delivers premium bidet features with an intuitive, classy remote to match.

NEOREST RS Remote Control

The remote for TOTO’s entry-level bidet toilet, the NEOREST RS, might look familiar…because it’s the same remote we just talked about for the S7 and S7A (with a couple of added buttons on top). Previously, all the NEOREST integrated units came with a premium remote, but this generation downgraded the remote for the base model.

When you upgrade to a higher-end TOTO bidet toilet (the NEOREST AS or higher), you still get the fancier remote from the previous generation. This stainless steel, bar-style remote feels much more high-quality and features the screen on the back – but you have to spend more than you would on the RS to get it.

We love TOTO toilets and promote the NEOREST line as the best integrated units we’ve ever sold. The new generation remotes don’t change our opinion, but the fact that the entry-level model no longer comes with a stainless steel remote feels a bit like a money grab. We’ve had customers buy the RS expecting the higher-end remote and end up frustrated and disappointed – not the outcome we’re hoping for when we recommend TOTO bidets!

Discover Your Perfect Bidet (and Bidet Remote)

Whether you opt for a bidet seat or integrated unit – TOTO or otherwise – we want you to be thrilled with your choice! If you’re not sure what to get or are torn between a few models, reach out to one of our bidet experts. We’re here to make sure there are no unpleasant surprises when you unbox your new bidet!

Meghan Oliver

Meghan Oliver is a writer and content manager with Many Bidets. Her work has appeared in Nonprofit World magazine and on Psych Central, but she specializes in behind-the-scenes content for small businesses and nonprofit organizations. Meghan is passionate about conservation, creatures of all kinds and the Oxford comma. When she's not writing, she's probably at the barn, on a hiking trail, in her native garden bothering the pollinators(,) or curled up with a book and a cat.